After the grand appreciation and love towards Dil Aaj Shayar Hai Song, under the Album titled Gambler by MEGASTAR AAZAAD. The Legendary Film company and Pillar of Indian Cinema THE BOMBAY TALKIES STUDIOS along with Kamini Dube presenting Ganesh Mantra - Vakratunda Mahakaya with Lyrics sung by MEGASTAR AAZAAD.
The song was released on 1 january 2020 in order to start the New Year with the name and blessing of Lord Ganesha.
Ganesh Mantras are uttered in a way that they create divine vibrations. These vibrations bring peace of mind and happiness to us when we chant on them.
Megastar Aazaad Disseminate his soulful voice to improve peace (शांति), energy (ऊर्जा), listening skills (सुनने का कौशल), confidence (आत्मविश्वास), affection (स्नेह), motivation (प्रेरणा) and also improve sensitivity (संवेदनशीलता) toward others. Benefits of Chanting “Vakratunda Maha-Kaaya Surya-Kotti Samaprabha
Nirvighnam KuruMe Deva Sarva-Karyeshu Sarvada” (वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय) is to invoke Lord Ganesha to remove every obstacle between one’s well-being and helps to achieve wealth (धन), wisdom (बुद्धिमत्ता), good luck (सौभाग्य), prosperity (समृद्धि) and success (सफलता) in all ventures.
Listen and feel blessed the “Vakratunda Maha-Kaaya” in the heartfelt voice of first Nationalist Megastar of India and International Brand Ambassador of Sanskrit and Tamil Language, AAZAAD.
#MegastarAazaad #Aazaad #RajnarayanDube #KaminiDube #AhamBrahmasmi #Rashtraputra #BombayTalkiesFoundation #VishwaSahityaParishad #WorldLiteratureOrganization #AazaadFederation #Mahanayakan #Kamini Dube #Thebombaytalkiesstudios #SanskritMovie #bombaytalkiesfoundation #bombaytalkies #HindiCinema #PillarOfIndian Cinema #Lord Ganesha #DilAajShayarHai #Gambler#Ganesh Mantra #VakratundaMahakaya

Listen and feel blessed the “Vakratunda Maha-Kaaya” in the heartfelt voice of first Nationalist Megastar of India and International Brand Ambassador of Sanskrit and Tamil Language, AAZAAD.
#MegastarAazaad #Aazaad #RajnarayanDube #KaminiDube #AhamBrahmasmi #Rashtraputra #BombayTalkiesFoundation #VishwaSahityaParishad#WorldLiteratureOrganization #AazaadFederation #Mahanayakan #Kamini Dube #Thebombaytalkiesstudios #SanskritMovie #bombaytalkiesfoundation #bombaytalkies #HindiCinema #PillarOfIndian Cinema #Lord Ganesha #DilAajShayarHai #Gambler#Ganesh Mantra #VakratundaMahakaya #Sanskrit #Tamil #International Brand Ambassador #FirstNationalistMegastarofIndia